30 September 2012

NDP Rehearsal

HL managed to get tickets for this year's NDP Combined Rehearsal. I think the kids enjoyed the parade segment the most. I remember the time when the goody bag was the highlight for them, but I think they've passed that phase. In fact, at the time of publishing this post (2 months late), the goody bags remain untouched by our door. 

The pre-show segment is quite enjoyable, despite HY's and TP's looks, and HL's distraction with the snack.
The Red Lions. Later, we found out that one of TP's friend's Father was one of the Red Lions
Chinook carrying our flag, escorted by two Apaches

Bomb burst by 5 F16s

TP is quite proud of this photo he took. Captured at the right moment.

Fireworks. Always a favourite for all.

Against our traditional skyline, before MBS

Another highlight of going for NDP at the Floating Platform - Korean BBQ while waiting for the crowds and traffic to clear


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