22 April 2012

National Inter-School Sailing

While HY was at Bishan with her gym competition, TP was busy at the National Sailing Centre for the National Inter-School Sailing on 19 and 20 Apr. The first day was a washout with thunderstorms the whole afternoon. Good thing the race officials didn't even launch the boats. The second day was great for sailing - nice winds and slightly choppy waters to make it more interesting. 

For the first time in a while, ACS(P) managed to form a sailing team this year for the Junior Division (for Pri 5 and below) comprising TP, Ryan and Daniel. They went into the competition not expecting anything but got a surprising 4th position team finish. Expectedly, the boys (and the teacher in charge) were thrilled with the trophy for the school and their individual medals. TP remarked that this was his first medal in a major competition.

 Our ACS(P) boys didn't have a coach with them, so they joined the ACS(J) Coach Foo for the pre-race briefs


 TP took this race quite seriously. We don't normally see him bailing water nor hiking out much

After 4 races (best 3), Ryan came in 13th, TP was 37th, and Daniel was 45th. Overall team 4th for the Junior Division Boys Optimist.

 The whole ACS family sailing teams from ACS(I), ACS(P) and ACS(J) coming together for a photo and some cheers


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