14 June 2006

13 June 2006, Going Home Soon

Haven't updated this blog for a while because the family's been really busy. On 23 May, we booked TGV tickets to go to the Avignon area the next day but had to return the tickets 4 hours after collecting them because we received news that Gong Tai had passed away back home. We then scrambled to book air tickets home and managed to get seats for the flight leaving Paris on 24 May. HL and the kids stayed for 2.5 weeks which turned out to be a blessing because HY, followed by TP, contracted chicken pox upon arrival. Definitely French chicken pox whose symptoms appeared after we got back. It was also good for them to meet up with their cousins TH and TI who live in Hong Kong.

HL and the kids got back to Paris on 11 June, 1 day after I got back from my study trip to Brazil (including a missed connecting flight at Lisbon and lost baggage). Since then, we've been busy trying to get ready to go back home in 3 weeks. Its amazing how quickly the last 1.5 years has whizzed by - how the kids have grown, and very importantly, how much quality time we've had as a family.

Anyway, thought I'd include some photos of what the kids did in Paris in the last 2 months, just as an update.

HY with her mask that she made at Anne's birthday party.

TP, of course, wanted a mask as well. So guess who had to make it.

HY and TP trying to throw a frisbee at Parc Montsouris.

At cite des sciences.

Renault Megane 329 NFF 75. Finally washed the car after months. No choice, have to try to sell the car soon before we go back. This car has served us well though in the last 1.5 years. See if you can find TP.

TI peeping out of his bassinet on the way back to HK.

TI and TH.

Normally, this blog is about HY and TP only, but I couldn't resist including these 2 photos that I took in Brazil:

Rio de Janeiro taken from Corcovado (the JC statue).

Sunset in the Amazon.


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